Mecsek project – Mecsekerdő photo shooting

Mecsek project – Mecsekerdő photo shooting

On 15th October Pécs 2 group has started the Mecsek project. The main purpose of this event was to unveil and discover the beauties and hidden treasures of the Mecsek hill which is closely attached to our city of Pécs. The topic covers several various topics in the fields of history, geography, biology, arts, culture and media. It is created for students to find their relevance and themselves in the surroundings of the hill. Moreover, they will find the traditions and all the heritage what is given here and hopefully they can transfer it to later generations in the future.

The first phase of the project was a photo shooting, where we could take a lot of pictures of the forest during autumn. We have also sent the best pictures for a competition of Mecsekerdő company, who will produce a calendar. The day was very pleasant together and we could also enjoy the last sunny moments.