career orientation meetup in Jászberény

career orientation meetup in Jászberény

“Everyone was looking forward to this day, because we took part in a career orientation meetup. This was really important to us, as we are closing in on a huge milestone in our lives.

We spent the first half of the day with Lilla Becsey, one of the Foundation’s volunteers, who talked about the system of higher education and her own experiences. She She showed us some useful functions of the already familiar website „felvi”, which will likely come in handy for us in the near future. She eagerly answered all of the questions we asked about the topic, and helped us a lot. I think we got to know her quite well for the amount of time we spent with her.

The second half of the day was all about the college students, who came to Jászberény for today, namely Kinga Kiss, Andrea Kalla and Ferenc Csató, representing the college students of our group, J2, and Ákos Tarnay and Balázs Wensofszky, from Pécs. They adumbrated their own plans, experiences, and how they got to where they are now. As they specialized in various topics, they gave a very diverse set of presentations. The girls, Kinga and Andi, have been conducting their studies in the field of economics for the past few years. They both started qualifications in a vocational training system for higher education (FOSZ), but if they could travel back in time, they would have done otherwise, and would have applied for BSc instead.

Ákos is learning to become a security technics engineer. He also provided us with a lot of useful information as well as giving us a preliminary to college life, all presented in the humorous manner expected of him. He advised us to be observant about what classes and how many of them we will have to take up. Balázs represented the more art-focused side of things, as he is learning to become a sound technician. He attends a technical institute instead of a university, and after graduating from there, he will be able to work as a sound technician. An interesting he said about technical institutes is that they don’t require a high school leaving certificate; all they require is a specialized entrance examination. I’d say music is a special language: the language of art, which Balázs is a great interpreter of.

Ferenc is a student of the Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Medicinal Pedagogy in Eötvös Loránd University of Science. I was particularly happy to have him, as I am interested in the topic he talked about. He told us why he chose this path and mentioned how he changed his mind about becoming a history teacher, and is now learning medicinal pedagogy, because he believes it is his avocation. He has a very kind heart and I’m sure he will accommodate the people he will be helping with the best he can do.

I believe the first-hand information we were provided with today will be of great use in our futures, especially to the ones planning to follow the same path aforementioned college students took.” Nikolett Juhász-Aba Jászság 2.