Rippl-Rónai Festival in Kaposvár
On Thursday, May 30th, the Rippl-Rónai Festival began in Kaposvár, offering concerts, numerous exhibitions, and artistic events true to its name. Kaposvár Group 1 also set out to explore downtown Kaposvár and join the festival’s bustling activities. The afternoon was very busy as we walked along the Path of Arts, admired numerous street exhibitions, watched animations, and, of course, enjoyed some ice cream.
“I liked all the programs very much, but my favorite was the exhibition where the graduating students of the Zichy Mihály School of Applied Arts displayed their exam works. There were clothes, photos, and paintings, all of them were very good. But the ice cream we had on the Main Street was also very delicious.”
Kíra Kecskés, Kaposvár Group 1