We went on a trip to the Katica farm this weekend

We went on a trip to the Katica farm this weekend

On Friday, Kaposvár’s Group 1 set off on a big adventure, as the team targeted the Katica farm in Patca. We spent a night at the Katica porta, had dinner, breakfast, chatted and of course played a lot of games. The point is that we were together, as outside of the camps and the Way of Life Day there is not much opportunity for the group to be together for several days.

After our arrival, we divided up the rooms and prepared dinner together. We did everything together and the children did their share of the work, setting the table, washing up and packing the dishes. The night passed peacefully as everyone tired themselves out with an evening of board games, cards and activities.

The next day we raided the Katica farm, where there are huge slides, trampolines and petting zoos, so it’s a complete children’s paradise where the youngsters were throwing themselves into the fun. Not everyone dared to slide down the steepest slides, but in the end many of them managed to get their courage up, thanks to the encouragement of others. The trampolines were also a real treat for the kids.


Some children even ventured out into the rather inclement weather to try the outdoor donut slides. We also stroked bunnies, watched the meerkat feeding, ate freshly baked bread and everyone came home full of experiences.