What I bring home from Transylvania

What I bring home from Transylvania

On the last day of our Transylvania tour, we came together and shared the best memories of the past few days, which we are sharing with you.

It would be nice to take back home the beautiful landscape of Hargita, the hospitality of Székely people, the culture and folk arts of Transylvania.

I would take with me all the memories of all the people who were here with us.

It was great to speak Hungarian in a foreign country and to feel the love of local people.

We take all the knowledge that we learnt here during our short visit.

We put the recipes of all the delicious food we ate and some jars of blueberry jam.

We take the feeling of campfire, joy, laughter, the smell of the villages, the fresh mountain air, the murmur of the streams, the sound of sheep herds and pine trees.

Groups of Pécs and Nagybajom