Venues of living history

Venues of living history

Kosice is a town fully filled with Hungarian history.

The buildings of the town centre have stories to tell about different phases of Hungarian history. It is good to know that the Hungarian population of the town do their best to preserve all the memories. We saw cathedral, synagogue, the house where Mary was born, the house of Rodostó, which is the replica of Rákóczi’s house located in Turkey. On Domokos square the characters of People of Kosice by Márai Sándor sprang into existence. St. Elizabeth cathedral is one of the most beautiful gothic monuments in Europe. The final resting place of Zrínyi Ilona and II Rákóczi Ferenc are in the crypt of the cathedral. We liked the Orbán tower and the street of potters, which is famous for its many artisans even today. After sightseeing in the town we tried the national dish of Slovakia – the knédli. The afternoon program, the visit to Jászói karst cave, was memorable for us. This cave is part of World Heritage and one of the 50 caves in the country. Tomorrow we are going to explore Eperjes, Szepesváralja, Lőcse and Csütörtökhely. We are looking forward to it.