Adományozás a Család- és Gyermekjóléti Központnak

Adományozás a Család- és Gyermekjóléti Központnak

Today’s focus was on selfless giving. The mentors of the Jászberényi Community House informed us back in November that they wanted to collect „Shoebox” donations at the Community House level, which all children from all groups could join, who had a bored, unused toy/storybook, or possibly sweets at home. The collection was very active, more than 50 packages were collected, which we packed together with the students of the 4 groups. Even the packaging of the gifts filled us with a good feeling, because we knew that they would be given to children in need, for whom this might be the only gift.

Today, the students of Jászság 1, Jászság 2, and Jászság 4 took the packages together with our mentor Dorina Szerző to the Jászberény Family and Child Welfare Center Aunt Dorina showed us the way, where they were already waiting for us. We got to know the head of the institution, Beatrix Nagy, who was kind and even helped us pack our boxes. We also learned from him that it is a great pleasure for the institution that we delivered so many offerings, as they can make the Christmas of at least 50 needy children beautiful. „We can not do big things, only small things with great love”. (Letícia Domján Jászság group 4)