Advent in the House of Hopes

Advent in the House of Hopes

On 22 December, the Csányi Foundation groups organised an optional joint “donation” to the House of Hope, a daytime homeless shelter. This is not the first time that I have given my modest gift to a few homeless people in need. I was particularly pleased to be able to involve the smaller P3 group in this morale-boosting programme, which promotes society and sets an example to our fellow human beings, who, like us, filled the gloomy walls of the shelter with enthusiasm and cheerfulness. We prepared an Advent programme, during which those interested in the arts could listen to our own poems and prose, and hear a fabulous clarinet solo. After the performance, we sat down for a nice cup of tea and a chat with the “residents”. While we chatted, we gave out some of the cakes we had baked or fruit we had bought. Our visits are always a great success and help to bring our fellow human beings, who are often hopeless, back to life, to give meaning to their days and to tell them that there is life beyond the walls, worth fighting for. In my opinion, we should appreciate and value the organisations that run the social safety net much more, because they are working invisibly for our fellow human beings.

Thank you to Tímea Récsei Mánfainé for the warm welcome you have given us this year. András Dömölki, Pécs Group 2