A beautiful time for Alicia to arrive to Kaposvár

A beautiful time for Alicia to arrive to Kaposvár

Alicia, our Brazilian volunteer has spent three weeks in Nagybajom.

She arrived to us on Sunday, to tell us her country’s traditions, teach English and Spanish for us and help our daily routine. We would like to show her how do we live in the capital of Somogy county. We would like to teach her our habits, traditions and we hope we can be in a closer friendship with her.

When we first met we promissed that we will study one-one word from the others every day. She was much better than me, because she has learnt more, but I know just one for sure, “obrigado” what means thank you.

I’m so happy for this day because I could be an interpreter. Not so far in the past I have earned an Ordinary Lever English Language Exam, so it was a nice feeling that I could use it for more than put it on my cupboard.

Kovács Kornél Kaposvár 2.