A Fulbright Scholar at the Foundation

A Fulbright Scholar at the Foundation

This afternoon, we had fun with Ms. Vaja Alaya-Maitreya Fulbright Scholar who visited our Community House together with his friend.

Before the actual programme we introduced the Foundation and the Community House of Szeged and finally we said few words about the Foundation’s.

Ms. Varja and his friend showed us two spots about a unique, innovative visual-technological method which is a new media solution in a creative manner. It is called architectural projection. Then they enchanted us with an exciting lecture on the history of the American music in the past 130 years. The event was closed by a pleasant conversation and the sounds of music.

Dear Ms Varja thank you very much for this unforgettable afternoon. Hereby we also would like to thank for Ms Varja’s friend’s participation and our volunteer Ms. Szilvi, who helped to overcome the language barriers.