Oh my gosh! Spiders in da house!

Oh my gosh! Spiders in da house!

“Today the Spider-oil was unleashed at the Nagybajom Community Centre, as the Nagybajom 2 group organised a Halloween project day for our younger peers. In the morning we made retro sandwiches, afterwards the little ones could participate in 3 teams, 3 locations and 4 activities and quizzes, like a revolving stage. At one of the stations Vani Kovács, Petra Völfinger and Zsófi Horváth were waiting for the children to make coconut spiders and then to do a craft. Upstairs, Bogi Szalai gave an English presentation and the players tested their skills through a quiz. And our outer floor was transformed into a Halloween room, where I held a drama lesson for the groups. After we wove together a story about our emotions, we played concentration exercises and association games, and the session ended with a board game. While the jury was judging, a rude pumpkin hunt awaited the participants, where our mentors helped to guide them through the process.

See more pictures in the Gallery

A video compilation of our project day, courtesy of Roli Pfeffer and Zsombi Kislaki, was also produced to give you an insight into a great, but even scarier day:


Thank you for your cooperation and for brightening up this creepy afternoon!” Milán Vajda, Nagybajom Group 2