Author:Sziraki Judit

Parent Academy in Jászberény

"The trainers from the OTP Fáy András Foundation visited Jászberény on Friday afternoon to further expand our financial knowledge. In...

Our Plans and Opportunities

"During the spring break, our preparation for the ICDL exam continued, as well as our English sessions. In informatics, we...

Presentation Module Exam

On Tuesday afternoon, we had our ICDL exam for Module 4, where we could demonstrate our knowledge of presentation creation....

When Plans Become Reality

"The afternoon was filled with cheerful and pleasant vibes. We had discussions with the younger students of the Community Center...

Driving Presentation

"Within the framework of the 'Vigyázz, kész, vezess!'  competition, today on February 9th, I held my presentation for the smaller...

Cage Fight in Jászberény

"On Tuesday afternoon (28.11.00), the J1 and J4 groups had a special experience at the Community Centre. We attended a...

Parents’ Forum

On Friday afternoon (17 November) we held the autumn meeting of our Parents' Forum at the Community House in Jászberény....

Autumn break

"We also met in the Community Centre during the break. In addition to the high school coaching, we also had...

Nature Study & Language Camp

06.07. -SUNDAY From Szentes we left at 8 am on Sunday morning for Jászberény, from where the three groups...

Parents’ Academy

At the Parents' Academy in the Jászberény Community House we had the chance to talk to psychologist Ágnes Kovács. Ágnes...

Which High School to pick?

  "We have already been introduced to the secondary schools of Jászberény by the heads of the schools in our...

ECDL exams in Jászberény

"In our IT lessons this school year we have been preparing for the ECDL exams. We knew that this was...

Parents’ Forum in Jászberény

The spring meeting of the Parents' Forum was held on 1 June at the Jászberény Community House. We discussed the...

Top of the podium

The 3rd Saint George Athletics Tournament took place in Jászalsószentgyörgy on 25.05, where participants from primary schools of Jászság competed....