Last third year in Madrid

Last third year in Madrid

On April  2 the third and final trimester began at the European University of Madrid. During this trimester I have three courses, which are mainly about the world economy and international institutions. The first is Geopolitics where we learn about the effects geography had on the develepment of societies and the economy.  In the Security and Defence Alliances course we mainly talk about recent events and news. Every lesson starts with a topic, which we have to research and then we talk about our opinions together as a group. The professor values ciritical thinking, that is what he rewards. My last is course is Regional Integration  Processes. Here we study the levels of internationl cooperiation and their effects. My courses are from Wednesday to Friday, so I have a long weekend every week. I went travelling in the spring break. First I went to Barcelona, where I learned about the Catalan culture.  I found it different in a lot of aspects from the way of life in Madrid. From there I travelled to Valencia, where orange trees greeted me. The city has a beautiful centre and beach. Overall I gained wonderful experiences, in the future I would like to visit Andalucia also. The only negative thing I can think of is that I am goint to miss the Way of life day. I hope that every „Csányis” is going to enjoy themselves, and I will return next year!

Szabó Gergely Pécs 1.