“On June 10, the Jászság 4th and Jászság 2nd groups held a family day in the Community Hall and its courtyard in beautiful sunny weather. We, the parents, surprised the participants with even more delicious cakes. In addition, from 8 o’clock in the morning, a traditional and a gluten-free potato with paprika were simmering in two pots, which were enjoyed by the guests at noon. Apropos of the family day – farewell to our mentor Andrea Hábenciusné Balla and English teacher Judit Némediné Béres, who will no longer be with us from September. With a sad heart, we listened to the farewell speech of our mentor and the short film that Andi made for this day, which brought tears to our eyes. We laughed a lot at the funny pictures.

We handed over our joint gift, thanking them for their time devoted to the children, Judit treated her students with a small surprise and delicious sweets. Our mentor surprised the children with a “certificate” bearing their name, which was filled with their characteristic features and two pictures – about the beginnings and the last year together. The members of the group handed over their farewell gifts, which he unwrapped in tears. At this bittersweet farewell, the operative director of the Csányi Foundation, Dr. Miklós Radoszáv, was also present, who also said a few words to our children. We talked a lot, laughed, recalled the “old past”. On behalf of all parents, I would also like to thank Judit for her hard work and our mentor, Andi’s self-sacrificing work, which she has done for our children over the past four years.” Zoltánné Simon, parent Jászság group 4

“Today we had the opportunity to meet the smallest kids, as part of a family day, who are all great and talented students. We spent a pleasant morning together, thanks to which we got to know them better. We tried to get closer to them through games and conversations, which I think worked well. During this time, the parents cooked potatoes with peppers, which we ate for lunch. After that, we chose small mentees for ourselves. Essentially, this means that we will provide extra help and support to children with similar or identical interests. Since they are still very young, we contacted their parents. We said goodbye to Andi, one of the mentors of the Community House, and Judit, our English teacher. During their stay, we had a lot to thank them for, a lot of teaching words, care, and respect. It fills everyone with regret that the joint work with them has come to an end. They gave us good advice as a farewell.” Péter Tálas Jászság group 2