Family Day in Group 3 Szeged

Family Day in Group 3 Szeged

Summer garden party

Young and elder family members of group 3 of Szeged came together on 12th June, on Sunday in the Community House to have our summer Family Day together. The menu was beef stew in cauldron, which we prepared together in the garden. The youngest children played games and did colouring, there was arts and crafts for the girls and mothers, football for the boys and PC games and X-Box for IT lovers. Everyone found an activity to kill time until lunch. But before we tasted the stew from courtesy of the Pápai’s we had sound bath with Hungarian folk tales. After lunch everybody helped to clean up and make order in Community House.

Thank you very much for everyone who came to make a memorable for all of us.

Group 3 of Szeged