Csalaphang from Jászberény

Csalaphang from Jászberény

On the 24th of March the broadcast of Csalaphang could be heard from the Community House of Jászberény. The presenters were Major Rudolf, Kalla László and Vigh Dávid and last but not least Sós Bence was responsible for the technics.

We took part in a company visiting from the occasion of carrier orientation day that morning, so in the first part of our broadcast we shared with the radio listeners our experiences, remarks and edifications. In the next half hour we talked about the student director election which was hosted in the Deák Ferenc Secondary School and I won it so I was able to talk about my new experiences. Me and my class got an opportunity to organize a day for the studens of the school, thereby I won the election. In the second part of the broadcast we talked about the foreign and national habits of Easter. Vigh Dávid, who has been doing folk-dancing a long time ago told us about the traditions and the story of eggtree in Kéthely. In fine Szappanos Ádám has joined us and our last topics was the football match preparation between Hungary and Croatia. We could spend 2 hours in a good mood with the listeners and hope they enjoyed as well.

Major Rudolf, Group 3 of Jászság