Wonder-tree in the home for the elderly

Wonder-tree in the home for the elderly

Today, along with our Csányi peers, we visited the Szent Ferenc Home for the Elderly in Jászberény to surprise its residents. Some of us had been here before, but for the younger ones, this was their first encounter with a tradition established over the years. The Wonder Tree project, which began at the start of the school year as part of our art sessions, was showcased for the first time outside the community house today. We first decorated wire trees covered with chenille, then felted autumn leaves from wool, attaching them to the trees. During these sessions, the younger ones learned not only wet felting but also needle felting. Week by week, the children created ever more beautiful and creative figures, and we gathered a significant collection of gifts to bring today. In the afternoon, we set off with the small group to the venue to start the activity after a brief show.

The objects we created were not only meant as gifts; we also wanted the elderly residents to spend meaningful time with us, as not everyone can often see their loved ones. The seniors followed our activities with curiosity and then participated in the joint creation. We freed the autumn-decorated trees from their leaves together and then collectively dressed them in winter fur. The shiny, snowy trees also got their own inhabitants and guardian angels, while poems and songs enriched our work. As we could see, the elderly were very happy to have us, and it was heartwarming for us to be able to brighten their day. However, our project does not end here. At the end of winter, around carnival time, we will together free our trees from their winter attire and prepare for spring, the rebirth of nature. We are continuously preparing for further plans, which I am very much looking forward to realizing together with the residents. It’s a very uplifting and touching feeling to be with them, and I am very grateful to the Home for the Elderly and the Foundation for providing us with such opportunities!

Tilda Tamasi, Jászság Group 3

More pictures in the Gallery!