Health camp, Jászberény

Health camp, Jászberény

On Monday the Health Camp for Jászság 3 started.  We had a healthy breakfast, we prepared and it but we got help from Andrea Szappanos. She came from the Family Health Preservative community. Delicious fruit milk shakes were made from banana, apricot and currant. Later on we made ice cream which had a creamy base and flavoured with fruits, we have to wait until the next day till its frozen. Andrea spoke about the importance of water. We talked about tap water, bottled water and thermal water.  As we know, water is essential for the human body so it does matter how and what we drink and how we store it. If we store it in plastic, sooner or later the plastic can dissolve and the microplastics can be harmful. We recommend to store everything in glass containers. Andreas shared so many other great ideas. After the exciting morning start we headed to the Lehel bath, where Árpád Véghelyi swimming instructor waited for us. It is worth to know he completed the Ironman race several times.  We waited for him with more than welcome after last year’s successful swimming camp. We had a serious warm up to avoid any injury. We played in the swimming pool and we had to complete serious tasks, We swam many rounds in freestyle and breaststroke. We were jumping a lot. Árpád is a water polo instructor so, He showed us different tasks with the water polo ball. Ádám Szappanos volunteer played soccer with us a lot and tried to save us from any injury. We are a little tired, but can not wait to start the next day. Ferenc  Horváth and Orsolya Varga Jászság 3.