We bid farewell to winter in Szentes

We bid farewell to winter in Szentes

A cozy winter farewell event took place at the Szentes Community Center on Saturday, February 17th. We started the mood with a drama workshop and a relaxation exercise. Everyone settled comfortably as our drama teacher, Ildikó Csorba, began storytelling, describing situations and objects that we could imagine as we pleased. After the relaxing game, during the break, our mentor talked about the history, spread, and customs of Carnival, and then it was time for the indispensable Carnival doughnut assembly, with the help of our volunteer, Edit. While the dough rested, we returned to the drama workshop, where we presented an everyday situation that we came up with ourselves; one person invented it, and the others joined in. By the end, the story had become a bit noisy, ending in loud laughter. In the late afternoon, we fried the doughnuts, enjoyed them, and then it was time for the city’s Winter Farewell event. The venue for community events in Szentes is the “gödör,” located on the banks of the Kurca River. After the masquerade parade through the city, the parade arrived at the “gödör,” where the main attraction of the event, the burning of the Kiszebáb, took place. By then, it had gotten dark, and the bonfire was lit. The evening was made even more colorful by outdoor concerts. We continued the evening at the Community Center, where we closed the night with team-building board games, group movie watching, and indoor camping.

Kamilla Hajnalka Bihari and Boróka Eszter Süle, Szentes 2nd group