Péter Horváth

“Twelve years is a very long time especially if you are not even older than 25. I have been supported by the Csányi Foundation from 2006 to 2018. It would be really challenging just to list all the things I got. Today I can proudly tell that I have a language exam, an ECDL exam and international experience. I was educated by professional teachers which was tough sometimes but the most effective possible for sure. Speaking of simple catching up in studies or intensive development, our teachers were always there for us so we could perform the very best all the time. But I believe that knowledge itself is just not enough for being happy and successful. I am deeply thankful for our mentors for all their devoted and loving work. Naturally this twelve years would have felt so much longer without a great community. I could be a part of an incredibly converging team which was just a few people back in the day and now we are counting hundreds. The guidance program has finished for me but I would like to be and will be part of this foundation forever. My lifetime goal is to support the Foundation in the future so it can grow more and keep all its genuine values.”

Péter Horváth