Announcing the results
The Csányi Foundation launched a call for tender supported by the group called BONAFARM.We invited the children to deepen into the world of cheese. Amazing how creative, artistic, and imaginative works did they surprise us with. Altogether 64 students participated.
The TOP number one prize goes to Orosz Gergely – Mohács 3. MIZO special prize goes toDausek Nándor, Fekete Csilla, Sárközi Emma – Kaposvár 2.Marián Dorka, Orsós Jázmin, Völfinger Rebeka, Benedek Tibor – Nagybajom 1.BONAFARM special prize goes to Tomity Benjámin, Albert Laura, Köves Evelin Vivien, Jáger Luca, Gergely Zoltán, Henézy Zsanett, Gálffy Kíra, Papp László Györgyk, Pintér Vanessza, Kovács Nikoletta, Kovács Tibor, Rozsnyói Richárd, Polgár Petra, Polgár Antónia, Bálint Gergő – a Pécs 1.Berthold Gergely – Mohács 3.
Congratulation to you all!We kindly invite you to a field trip on 13th May where you can visit a cheese factory.However be prepared as other exciting adventures are waiting for you on that special day! See you then!