Parent – mentor meeting in Mohács

Parent – mentor meeting in Mohács

Today (18th February) Mohács Community House held its parent -mentor meeting

On our meeting we talked about the actualities, and also evaluated the first half of this semester, we shared our achivements on competitions, in schools, and of course we shared useful information related to the life of our community. The parents had questions about the coming ECDL exams and Summer camps. The parents had an opportunity to meet the mentor of our new group, Éles Annamária. We are glad, because of despite the rainy weather many parents visited us, and we could close the day with a honest and informal conversation.

A representative forum was formed on 20th February in the community house in Mohács. Members of the Children’s Parliament, one parent per group and the mentors were present on the first official meeting. Our task was to set the forum’s goals and policies, we also have chosen the president and agreed on the time of our next meeting.