György Ferenczi Professional Day

György Ferenczi Professional Day

We had the honour to participate in the 25th György Ferenczi Professional Day, organised by the 130 years old Rákospalota Youth Correctional Institution, with the theme being “tradition and change”. In the morning programme, our Foundation’s Operational Director, Dr. Miklós Radoszáv, a children’s advocate, presented the recently published György Ferenczi Memorial Booklet, which laid the foundation for professional dialogue.

The Way is eternal, the Arrival is ephemeral.” – once wrote the not-so-good Central European poet, R. M.

The success of a journey, the quality of the arrival, largely depends on the traveller’s knowledge and recognition of the information, danger or mandatory signs along the way. For several centuries mankind has been collecting the rules for each journey in printed form. The Ferenczi Memorial Booklet contains these rules for people travelling with children.

For professionals, thinking in partnership within an organisation, working with co-professionals, and most of all, interacting with the client, is often a challenge. Effective collaboration is both a responsibility and a sharing of knowledge. As child protection professionals, we need to recognise that clients have complex problems, or in other words, typically many problems, which require complex solutions involving multiple service providers. Working in partnership with families, it is essential that professionals are committed to helping, and this requires that the professional seeks to understand the family system and family dynamics, organise the information received, build on their strengths. Effective collaboration is best achieved when families have a choice and are able to decide their own destiny, and listening to their views is essential to this.” (Andrea Rácz)

These are the words that best express the complex approach and holistic assistance that our Foundation stands for.

Through his work, György Ferenczi reminds us that we must consider all parties as partners: the child, the parent and the professionals who look at the case from different perspectives.

Traditionally, the Ferenczi Memorial Medals are also awarded on the Professional Day, with the one for the institution being donated this year by the Board of Trustees to the whole of the CHILD WELFARE SYSTEM.

Thank you for the invitation, we are delighted to announce this event!