Simple physics

Simple physics

Today’s maths-physics lesson started with watching experiments.

Some of the experiments were brought by Ms Piroska, and we could also try out them.

For example, we broke skewers with the help of papers, after that we moved coins on glass, with only using our hands’ heat. In another case we balanced coins on a plastic card on the edge of a cup full of water. We tested the adhesion force here. We went on, and the most interesting experiment came, we wrapped our phones in aluminum foils so that we couldn’t call each other. We realized this is a faraday cage. We moved candles, their balance was ruined by the flames. Finally we put paper on a glass full of water. We turned it up side down, we were all surprised but the paper held the water. We counted, that the blast is nearly 200 times bigger than the water’s weight.

Everybody enjoyed the lesson.


Dénes Kormos, group Szeged 3