“Gastronomic travel”

“Gastronomic travel”

On 29th September the groups of Jászberény participated on the 3rd round of the ’Gastronomic travel’ programme series organized by the OTP Bank. Our guide was Mrs. Fülöp Paksi Katalin.

The first station of the programme series was in the „Jász House” in Jászberény. Dr. Bathó Edit, who is the head of the museum, gave us a lecture with the title of „Traditional folk dishes”. Secondly, the workers of the Bank and the students of the Foundation applied for a cooking competition called „Cooking competition of folk dishes” with their dish, which was cooked in a typical Hungarian pot called ’bogrács’. The team got the surcharge with the beef stew called „traditional potatoes dumplings with banker stew and with interest” and they also made ’herőce’ with home-made jam as a dessert. The prize was given by Pál Szabó, who is the First Hungarian Equestrian Order’s Lord Chancellor.

On this autumn Saturday the older ones have already gathered at the contemporary kitchen of the György Klapka Secondary – and Vocational School. They wished to surprise the youngest students. In small groups they cooked the lunch for that day. István Szabó, a professional cook also helped the children. The menu was: stew-soup, fruit soup with cream, chicken stew (with egg noodle), with tasty salads and layered potatoes. This would not be complete without a dessert: dumplings with cottage cheese, raisin and vanilla sauce. The thirst of the little cooks was slaked by lemonade with mint. Some of the students had routine in cooking, while others were only introduced now to the world of knives, wooden spoons, and the different kind of courses.  During this time the smaller ones laid the table, decorated, iterated napkins and tried to avoid the delicious smell coming from the kitchen. After eating the dishes, we cheered in order to say thank you to the enthusiastic cook teams for the lovely meal.

It was an unforgettable experience for all of us and we would like to say thank you for the opportunity to the management that the children and their mentors could participate in such a fantastic „Gastronomic travel”.