Gokart race

Gokart race

We started the programe with conversation of our Mentor, Piroska, where we spoke about the new group here in Szeged, the coming exams, the camps and about our work with them. After the conversation we were eating hamburgers before finishing our programe with gokart racing. After the meals we learned about the control of the gokarts yet. Later we were waiting in the cars for the signal to make our rounds. The half hour lap we did in two turns, so in this way we could experience how looks our race outside and inside too. It seemed we were enjoying the race and nearly we drive for the best position and best time like we were in the Formula 1. In this way finally we got very nice results. We wan’t to say Thank You for this opportunity.

Vugernicsek Zsolt, Freshman of Hispanistic Philology from group Szeged 1