Bee-eaters, Quimby, Fireworks

Bee-eaters, Quimby, Fireworks

Today, the photographer team of Szeged visited the bee-eater and sand martin’s nest at the board of Szeged after morning lessons and the language exams.

The newcome bird species is one of our country most colourful bird, in 2013 was chose the bird of year. Because of this, we are very happy about that we could observe in its natural habitat and took photos of them.

Afterward we visited the Quimby concert due to occasion of Wine festival at the Dóm square. We were surprised because we recognized that our video clip „Sehol se talállak” which was performed on the Song singing competition, took place the same location in live, where we filmed it.

The following event namely the firework made our evening more memorable.

At the end of the day on our way to home we stopped one more time, because one of our team’s old desire was to catch the night sky on camera – and we finally did it – luckily in a blue-moon night, that happens only once a year.

Benczúr Anna, Group 2 of Szeged