Zagyva-Hajta walking performance tour 25/05/2013

Zagyva-Hajta walking performance tour 25/05/2013

The 21st Zagyva-Hajta walking performance tour was organised in Jászberény and Jászfelsőszentgyörgy on 25 May Saturday.

Group 3 of Jászság took part in the 10 km walking. The map given at the start line helped our way through the floodplain forests, grassy fields, sandy soil and agricultural lands. During the way thanks to the nice weather and good mood the group felt to visit ‘Szúrópont’, which meant two extra kilometres, but it was worth it as the panoramic view in the natural reserve area in front of our eyes compensated us for the few extra steps. Although this is a flat area it was sometimes difficult to find our ways through the swampy area. The tour made us tired but despite this we enjoyed walking and we most of us decided that next year we are going to take the 20 kilometre distance. At the finish line we got a badge and an official certificate participating the tour. As our mentor said it was a good training for the July nature camp which will be in and around Kőszeg with lots of walking. With ice-cream in our hands we visited the 6th Central Tisza Area veteran car exhibition where we saw many old cars and motorbikes. After this long walking day it was good to get home and have arrest.

Czuczu Fruzsina Jászság 3.