Thoughts around a glass…

Thoughts around a glass…

This was the first time when group 2 of Jászság met after the summer break.

We had already discussed in August that we could organise a meeting when we talk about a freely picked book and sum up our thought in a particular way.

The choice was The Philosophy of Vine by Hamvas Béla. Reading the telling title, everyone was eager to clear their thoughts. It was very useful. Although it is a very short book it is difficult to understand. Some parts can be interpreted in many different ways, which we shared with each other. We picked some meaningful sentences that were important for all of us in one or other way and with it, we would like to trigger everyone’s attention to take this philosophical book from the shelf and explore it. We all have to know that a certain maturity is needed to know when the time of ‘anytime’ is, where the ‘anywhere’ is and how ‘anything’ works.

Group 2 Jászság