HPV vaccination, Jászberény (13.03.2015)

HPV vaccination, Jászberény (13.03.2015)

Mothers and daughters could listen a presentation together on the 13th of March held by Dr. Kanizsai Beáta about the HPV virus and its vaccination in order to protect ourselves. We got to know that women can get the vaccination from the age of 13, however, older adults can ask for it as well.

The doctor mentioned that how important the protection is in order to avoid getting infected by this serious virus that can cause cervical cancer or infertility.
She also talked about the early sexual activity of the youngsters, contraception and how important the right usage of condom in order to protect against veneral disease.
The doctor was really helpful and she asked all of the questions of the students and adults.
We would like to thank the Foundation for this great opportunity.
Vígné Kocza Éva
Group Jászság 3.