HPV – Vaccination

HPV – Vaccination

On 6th April a HPV seminar took place in Jászberény.

It was open to both parents, their daughters and specialist to exchanged information and hold a discussion. The presentation was delivered by dr. Kanizsai Beáta gynaecologist. The atmosphere created was comfortable and safe, which allowed the participants to express the opinions without feeling overly self-conscious. Thank you very much for being here sharing the important information.     Szabóné Lengyel Eszter, mentor

“Through our eyes”

The mentors not only expected our children to come, but we also were invited. On this day we were informed about HPV – vaccination. We all were interested in this topic and were pleased to receive extensive information form the gynaecologist. It was again a very useful and informative day, thank you very much indeed.
Csikós Nóra, mother of Kiss Kinga