Immersive Experiences

Immersive Experiences

“On Saturday’s excursion, we visited the House of Terror located at 60 Andrássy Avenue, which portrays one of the darkest periods in Hungarian history. The building served as the headquarters of the communist dictatorship, showcasing the details of oppression and terror through interactive exhibitions. With the help of photos and documents, the museum brings to life the oppression and suffering experienced during that era. Its goal is to ensure that we never forget the past. Former cells and torture devices serve as reminders of political oppression. Myself and the other members of the group learned a lot about communism in Hungary.”

Horváth Ferenc, Jászság 3rd Group

“At the House of Terror, we gained a lot of new information about what people went through during the Red and White Terror periods. The exhibition was both shocking and uplifting, leaving us pensive. We confronted the severe sacrifices made under inhumane dictatorships so that we can live freely in this country today.

After lunch, we continued our journey to the Van Gogh Exhibition, where we could view the painter’s most famous works through projections. The exhibition combined both light and sound effects, providing us with a visually stunning and impactful experience. The most interesting and defining moment, in my opinion, was when a vast room displayed the famous artworks in 360 degrees. I thoroughly enjoyed the exhibition and learned a lot about Van Gogh and his work. I appreciated the immersive and interactive nature of the exhibition, allowing our age group to better appreciate art.”

Tamás Sebestyén, Jászság 3rd Group