The final destination of the Airship Programme was Jászberény

The final destination of the Airship Programme was Jászberény

On Saturday (9th March) both groups of Jászság 2 and 3 took part on a first-aid course of the Airship Programme.

The children were listening the presentations of the paramedics  Gabriella Sedlák and Kornél Kékes with great interest. They were talking about the different kinds of, most common illnesses, the way of treating these diseases and occurring first-aid situations in connection with this topic. They could gain experience about reanimation protocol that was tested by everyone. Thanks for the enthusiastic work of the instructors!

Eszter Lengyel Szabóné, mentor, Jászság 2.

This day was important for me because we could learn lots of important things about what we should do in case of emergency and how can we help for needy people. The most interesting for me was the reanimation, the use of the defibrillator and the free discussion about the dangers that threaten our age-group.

Kitti Kispál, Jászság 3.