About teenage problems and HPV virus in Szeged

About teenage problems and HPV virus in Szeged

This Saturday was full of programmes, again.

While the children were having their developmental lessons, the parents had a quick PT meeting then a discursion about teenage problems with Fenyvesi Tamás psychologist. After it the informative lecture on HPV virus was given by dr Kanizsai Beáta.

About the discursion on teenage problems:

The discursion on teenage problems was thought-provoking. Sometimes it is necessary to have self soul-searching if our children do not turn to us with trust. I have made resolutions many times that I am going to spare more time to my children one by one. Now, my efforts might have wings again. It is like as one of the parents said: ’They always want your attention when you have to run somewhere or you are in three different things at the same time.’
I remained in silence because my countless failures came into my mind about my 20 year old son. Making a comment would have been too long and would also put me down. But I would be happy to talk with the psychologist if I had the chance. Although I am a psychologist as well it does not reprieve me from the mistakes of child upbringing. What is more, it makes me feel even guiltier. Hardships come learning as well.
My disabled daughter was a private student at József Attila primary school but we have not met Tamás. My 20 year old son has special needs in learning so I could get a lot of valuable pieces of information.
As a spirit lifting due to the discussion a sentence came into my mind which I read somewhere: ’Attention is the greatest treasure which you can give to others.’

Thank you: Gálosi Gabriella – parent