Carneval in Nagybajom

Carneval in Nagybajom

We are international volunteers from the Compass Organization for the European Youth Community. We are from different countries of Europe: Spain, Italy, Turkey, and Transylvania.

Friday afternoon, we visited the Csányi Foundation in Nagybajom and held a presentation to present our culture, with a great emphasis on the carneval period. Although this wasn’t the first time we had been here, only now could we fully explore the house and gain an insight how the foundation works. After this, we started our presentation even more purposefully, for we finally knew why it was good for us to be here.

After everybody put their costumes on – which in this case were only hats – the presentation of the carneval-palette started. We all celebrate the carneval slightly differently. It was good to see the glow in the eyes of the children. Their open minds, how they soak up all the knowledge. We became even more enthusiastic. The bilingual presentation finished with an interactive quiz.

We finished our afternoon with a dinner together, we got to know the kids better, made new friendships and even learnt some new expressions!

We hope we can come back soon!

Csibi Kriszta, Compass Organization for the European Youth Community