Among our goldcrests

Among our goldcrests

One day we had a break from classes, and we decided to do something adventurous. On Friday morning, with Kristóf Káman, Kristóf Tóth, and Zalán Győző (a student at the University of Pécs), we went to the nearby forest to try and capture songbirds with our cameras. After a short walk, a flock of birds quickly gathered around us.

Following long-tailed tits (Aegithalos caudatus), nuthatches (Sitta europaea), and woodpeckers (Leuconotopicus villosus), we were surprised by a large group of goldcrests (Regulus regulus) with yellow crowns. These small-sized and very friendly birds spent a long time with us, allowing us to photograph them to our heart’s content.

In the beautiful and serene environment, relaxation was truly enjoyable for all of us. Looking at the upcoming weeks, the weather is expected to get warmer, and the thaw will begin, bringing with it the awakening of nature, providing us with numerous new ideas and tasks.