Free talk with John Cox

Free talk with John Cox

On the 17th of November a previous Fulbrigh scolar, Dr John Cox, visited us in the Community House of Szeged, this time as an old friend. During his tour in Europe he visited Szeged and also the Foundation’s Community House. We were happy to greet John, who we had a free talk with. He underlined the importance and the possibilities of tertiary education, and not just the education itself but the scholarship programmes, which open up the possibility to learn more about a target country. Here we moved on to the importance of learning languages. Today English is the main language of international social networking but all other languages help us to learn about people all around the world. This afternoon was very inspiring and we accepted his advice on both topics. Vas Evelin Szeged 1., Turuczki Szabolcs Szeged 2.