Free chat about sex

Free chat about sex

Today was the first time when I met the students of the Csányi Foundation.

My fears that I haven’t met the children before would cause passive resistance due to the unusual topic turned out to be groundless. This means that the children were totally cooperative. I think it can be put down to the fact that from the very beginning of the lecture I tried to avoid even the semblance of a serious and rigid classroom like lesson.  The straight and casual communication, which was based on serious and important topics, had its fruits and all of us – as I think – left the house being satisfied. The children because they got answers to their questions and because I could tell a lot what I wanted to tell.

Later I met the parents of the children when we could talk about continuously arising teenage problems. In my opinion, I could share sufficient amount of information in spite of shortage of time and other factors. I also could make the parents sure of my help for the children in the future as well provided that the Foundation enables me to do so.

Fenyvesi Tamás – psychologist