Butterflies, egrets, herons

Butterflies, egrets, herons

The Photographers of Group 2 of Szeged visited Mórahalom and Ásotthalom the last two weekends.
As the weather turned better we decided to take some photos of butterflies in the forest glade of Ásotthalom, after which we went on to Nagyszéksós Buffalo Preserving Area, near Mórahalom, where we could see the passing of common spoonbills. On the 7th October, following the classes in the morning we went hiking to a forest near Ásotthalom, a favorite place of ours which, dressed in the colors of fall, appeared to be a great new subject to our photos. We were in the Buffalo Preserving Area again where we’d been to the previous week. However, last time we happened to see some great egrets and grey herons whilst feeding.

Luca Berta

szeged 2 group