Exam completed

Exam completed

We completed the fifth module of the ECDL exam. The numbers of lessons that were given to me by the Foundation were well enough to sit a successful exam.

Mr András was very patient and explained everything very clearly and if we did not understand something he gave us helping hand again and again. The test papers that Mr András prepared for us were excellent for practice, they were clear and understandable and were useful aids before the exam. The first time when I went to the lesson the Excel was totally new for me because in the school we have not learned about it yet so I did not know what and how to do but the second time I was much more confident. I could complete and finish the test in time that is why I think I will pass the exam successfully. But, to be honest, I was very surprised when I learned that I had maximum points.

Roubál Nikolett P2

At the beginning of the test I thought it will not be very good. My mentor, Mr András, encouraged taking home some practice papers and I started practicing at home. I could ask my questions from the mentors and they also helped me so it was not very difficult to make the missing information up. For my greatest surprise on the day of the exam everything went smoothly and it seemed to me that I took a successful exam. I was very happy to know that my test was perfect.

Kovács Liliána P2

The Excel exam was not difficult for me. We spared a lot of time on it in school as well. Here at the Community House we also had many lessons. Mr András helped us a lot if we could not deal with the exercises. I hope the next parts will be as easy as this one was.

Kovács Andrea P2

I have not learned Excel in the school yet. Everything was new for me during the lessons. I found the 22 lessons very useful. Taking the exam after the lessons and practice was not difficult at all.

Orbán Máté P2