Logic and everything else

Logic and everything else

At the first logic class of the year, we divided the team with Zalán. This way, we ended up with two smaller groups, where we could sit around a table and engage in discussions. On the logical side, we first learned how to play word bridge, and then the remaining part of the session was spent on calculations. At halftime, we swapped to give everyone the chance to try both programs.
Ádám Balogh, volunteer.

On the third Saturday of the year, the NB3 group members were greeted with a logic and reading comprehension session. By 8:45, everyone had gathered at the community house, providing an opportunity for a shared breakfast before the classes. Subsequently, we divided the children into two groups. One team, accompanied by our volunteer, Ádám Balogh, delved into the intricacies of logic, while the rest of the 7th graders practiced text comprehension with me. Together with my mentor, Roland, we noticed the need for collaborative problem-solving of a specific task designed for this grade. Firstly, I assessed their reading pace and attention to details, finding areas for improvement in both aspects. Based on my experience, students in small, rural schools in the vicinity lack the opportunity to develop their skills amidst less focused and diligent classmates. The foundation was formed for this purpose, aiming to address these deficiencies. A positive aspect is the enthusiasm the students exhibit during such tasks, as demonstrated in today’s session. I focused on motivating them to earn more points, which seemed to be effective. However, we still need to enhance their concentration and attention to crucial words, ensuring precise responses to questions and tasks. All of these areas are open for improvement, and there is still time to work on them. Our goal is to maximize their knowledge and skills in the upcoming central assessment. During the break, the two groups swapped sessions, allowing everyone’s abilities to come to light. After the classes, there was time for a little conversation and snack, and then everyone hopped on the minibus, heading home a bit tired but satisfied.
Zalán Győző, Nagybajom, 3rd group.

Being a university student is not only great because we get to study and engage with topics we are passionate about. It’s not just about laying the foundation for our future; it’s also about finding a dedicated circle of friends with whom we can delve deep into our desired professional subjects. This was evident when I participated in the Deloitte Tax Advisory Course during the fall semester. I had this opportunity because I am a member of the Pacioli Accounting Club at BCE, which was established as the first student organization of the Luca Pacioli Association, now having nationwide coverage. The association’s goal is talent development, primarily focusing on accounting, taxation, law, and related areas. Every semester, the club’s members attend lectures and courses held by our alumni or partners. Deloitte is one of the largest firms specializing in financial tax advisory and auditing. During the course, we familiarized ourselves with the advisory process and worked on several real-world-inspired case studies, either in groups or individually. Members and friends from sister organizations operating at the Faculty of Law of ELTE and BGE also participated. For the final session of the course, we had to analyze a case and present a proposed solution at the Deloitte headquarters. In addition to receiving a certificate of recognition, we gained three months of valuable hands-on experience.
Márton Gelencsér, Nagybajom, 3rd group.

After the logic and reading comprehension sessions, I held a presentation on the rules of the road for cyclists based on the “Vigyázz, Kész, Vezess!”program for our small group. I chose this topic because, in my opinion, it might be too early to discuss traffic rules for cars, and it’s already late for pedestrians. However, the rules regarding bicycles are relevant, and they are not usually taught until driver’s education. I believe this is a crucial topic for safely participating in traffic. During the presentation, I covered mandatory accessories on a bicycle, prohibitions, restrictions, and the relevant traffic signs. At the end of the presentation, there was an opportunity for questions, which helped to cover the entire topic, even parts that might have been missed during the presentation.
Kovács Benedek, Nagybajom, 3rd group.