I’ve given my presentation

I’ve given my presentation

“At 8th of October in 2022, I gave my presentation about „Ready, set, drive!” tender, according to the requirement to the youngest members of the Foundation at the Community House. My presentation was about correct and safe cycling. I spoke about different signboards and traffic rules. For demonstration, I took my by bike to show the necessary equipment, whiteout you couldn’t participate in the traffic. In my opinion, the presentation has gone well, quote from them some idea:

„I found it useful and expended my existing knowledge about this topic. It was good, that we were able to see the necessary equipment on the bike, which was took in and i could learn the signboards as well. After that, we had a chance to talk about the topic, the whole presentation passed in a good mood.”

Matola Ádám, Huszár Réka, Váradi Niké Nagybajom 3

It’s a big opportunity to the supported members of the Foundation, that they contribute to such a large extent to obtaining a driver’s license. Thank you for that my tender benefited to favorable assessment, I feel lucky, that I got this support.”

Kuckó Nadin Nagybajom 1

President of the Foundation’s Student Parliament