Water intake habits of animals

Water intake habits of animals

“Within our water project we went to the Zoo of Jászberény on the 29th of February. We got to know a lot of interesting information about water intake habits of some animal species. One of the most interesting was the sloth, because this animal licks the raindrops off the leaves. The sloths do not move a lot, so they do not lose a lot of water and because of that, they do not drink too much. The birds extract water from the fruits, but the pheasants have an unusual habit. They will lick the ice if they need water. We thank this amazing day for Szücsné Rékasi Kriszti, who showed us the animals and talked about their habits.” Gyula Pege, Jászság 3.

“Early in the morning we worked with our research in connection with water with Terézia Csörgő. Following that our journey led us to the Zoo. Szücsné Rékasi Krisztika, who is a zookeeper at the Zoo of Jászberény, led us round and gave a lot of useful information about the water intake habits of the different kind of animals. Besides we could feed a few animals such as camels, horses and goats.” Éva Evelin Kis, Jászság 3.