We visited an ambulance station – Profession for life!

We visited an ambulance station – Profession for life!

After school we visited one of the country latest ambulance station in Böhönye.

We were welcomed by Tüske László, leader of the station. We could take a look into the lifestyle of paramedics. First, Laci showed us the ambulance cars and its equipments. We could try a few of them or he tried on us such as vacuum limb fixer which they can stablizie injured limbs immediatly. We were talking about who can be a paramedic and some information about this profession. Afterward we walked around the whole station and it was very interesting to see what type of gadgets they use for the communication, we could also experience how does a real alerting look like. At the end of our tour we had a snack together.

Thanks to the paramedics and the ambulance station to this opportunity that we get closer their profession and got to know everything about it.

Bertalan Zsolt, Pálfi Gábor, Lóth Milán, Group 3 of Nagybajom.