Time travel in Bikal

Time travel in Bikal

Who wouldn’t like to make a time travel to middle ages, get to know the old times’ crafts and the lives of pages? Groups of Nagybajom, visited an experience farm in Bikal, to our country’s first thematic experience park.

This huge estate invokes middle ages Hungary in a special way: with the contribution of crafters, actors, riders, archers and experienced birdmen.  In recreation of the old town and main squire of a village, built in the middle ages, nearly 35 shops, host points and some room function as places for courses. Actors and animators, appearing in the streets, kind of animate the daily life of a town from the middle ages. We met Pajti, the court clown, we introduced ourselves to a monk and we have also seen a fortuneteller who can see the future. In the morning and in the afternoon, on two scenes, two lectures were welcoming us: one on the Madaras Stage and on the Knight’s Pit. The most popular programmes were the hawking performance and the theatrical performance, where the children could get to know, how a boy becomes a real, brave knight.