Folk dance and wind instruments success

Folk dance and wind instruments success


On May 11, the regional children’s and youth folk dance festival was held in Komló. Only groups operating in Somogy, Tolna and Baranya counties can attend the event, this year 16 groups could present their knowledge. The Zselic Primary Art School’s Ördögcérna group has been awarded a Gold Award. It is a great pleasure that the band includes Enikő Sármány, a member of the Kaposvár 4th group. Congratulations, Enci!

At the same time, the regional wind instruments competition took place in Dombóvár, where Kovács-Nagy Sarolta also won a gold qualification for the works performed on the flute. Congratulations, Saci too!

Marianna Halász, mentor, Kaposvár 4th group

