Let’s do programming

Let’s do programming

On 1st July 9 colleagues of the Csányi Foundation participated in a NI workshop (National Instruments, Debrecen) where we had the chance to dive into the world and wonders of programming robots.

The event was hosted by Technical University of Budapest (BME) where program members of Gyerekegyetem were also taking the challenge to design, using the powerful LEGO® MINDSTORMS® NXT and LEGO® MINDSTORMS® EV3 Robotics systems. The whole day was very educational, feeding our natural curiosity and the desire to learn. Tóth Gabriella and Tóth Benedek were also brilliant hosts.

Hereby we would like to thank to Dr. Ábrahám László for the opportunity with which we could join the enhancing world of Technology and Engineering, making the first steps into programming. We also hope passing the knowledge credibly to our students, making them enthusiastic to get involved with this unique field of science.