Nikuko Jewels

Nikuko Jewels

It’s been two years since I’ve started this hobby and I still do it mostly for fun although some models do take much concentration to make.

Many asked how it all started. I have always loved craftwork and one day I asked for a coil of wire from my grandfather which later we forgot about. One day I saw a beautiful necklace in the Arkad but I just didn’t want to fork out 4000 Ft for it. So, returning home I took a pair of pliers and the coil of copper wire and crafted my first piece of jewellery. It was pretty simple but looked great and since then I’ve been making more and more of different pieces and sets, all made from recycled materials not being able to afford jewellery grade materials. I has become my hobby and I even get orders I am able to sell some of them too. For the last Walk Of Life programme I prepared a little exhibition with the “I am who I am “project. I really enjoyed preparing and I hope to how my fellow mates in the Foundation how much I have grown.

Roubál Nikolett, Pécs group 2