Giant Egg

Giant Egg

The Easter bunny has visited the members of group 3 in Szeged.

In the form of a giant chocolate egg. Before the lesson entering into the classroom the children bumped into an oversized box on one of the tables. Hardly any encouragement did the children need from the Chief Operating Officer, Dr. Radoszáv Miklós to attack and open the box and examine its content more closely. For everyone’s great surprise a giant size chocolate egg was in the box as a gift from the Founder of the Csányi Foundation for the youngest children of Szeged. It took a little while to get accustomed with the oversized egg but soon it was consumed bit by bit. Of course, not the whole egg because this size challenged the most experienced chocolate eaters, too. There was a hiding present in the egg, a key ring which will be the group’s car key’s new key ring.

The members of the group would like to express their gratitude for this special gift! Thank you very much!