Autumn Family Day

Autumn Family Day

We organized our first family day in the last week of September with the participation of the four groups of Jászberény, in the Szántai kert. Our selected topic for this school year is the water. The programmes were connected to that. On the morning the parents with great enthusiasm started cook the lunch for the participants. It was on apple bakery competition too! During the day the joyful competitive games made this afternon more memorable., In mixed teams the kids had to solve games, where teh water appeared. Simultaneously football matches were played, there were painting and felting lessons in he coast of the Zagyva river. With Viki Kovács, the kids went to the Zagyva river where they colect water samples and shells too. From the four cauldrons there were tasty goulashes came up. The jury had a very hard decisiions to decide which is the the best from the 4. But every cooking team got same awards. The apple bakery competitions winner was whose bakery run out faster than the others. This day was fantastic!